Does pinhas die in i have lived a thousand years

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The novel’s immor­tals, Rachel and Elazar, nev­er had the illu­sion that it would be a bless­ing to live for­ev­er. Yet this is no alle­go­ry - it’s a love sto­ry, or many love sto­ries, with the same con­flicts and joys and heart­breaks that are part of any life. Their lives retrace the jour­neys of the Jew­ish peo­ple, from Jerusalem to Anti­och to Pumbe­di­ta, in Alexan­dria and Alep­po, through Spain and Poland, to Amer­i­ca and Israel. Today, high-tech lead­ers in Sil­i­con Val­ley are pour­ing bil­lions of dol­lars into anti-aging research, hop­ing to defeat death.Įter­nal Life, a nov­el both adven­tur­ous and wise, imag­ines two immor­tals as old as the Wan­der­ing Jew who dwell among us today. The Chris­t­ian para­ble of the Wan­der­ing Jew sees immor­tal­i­ty as a curse: a Jew who mocks Jesus is pun­ished by being unable to die until the Sec­ond Com­ing. Homer’s Odysseus spurned eter­nal life so that he could go home to his wife.

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Immor­tal­i­ty has always fired the human imag­i­na­tion.

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